2014 November - Frank A.
Equipment …
Mac mini 2009 – with Paul Hynes SR7 linear power supply, music stored on external firewire hard drive (Audirvana software used)
Vue cables VU-3 usb cable
Conrad Johnson HD3 USB DAC
MIT Shotgun S1 interconnects
Conrad Johnson CA200 control amp
Spectral (MIT) MH-770 Series 2 Speaker cable
Martin Logan Prodigy speakers
Quadraspire Sunoko-Vent T audio racks.
Jas audio magnetic suspension racks under the dac and amp.
Jas Audio Power cables with Eichman power cables for the Prodigies
The power for my system is a separate line to the main box.
Nordost QB8 power board – QX4 power purifier and a few QV2 and QK1 line enhancer/harmonizers.
Acoustic panels at first refection points on walls and ceiling,
Franks Saturday Meeting was a hot and humid day out on the deck but inside it was really cool.
The air conditioner helped but it was mainly the audio system making everyone relaxed and enjoying the vibes.
Frank gave a good introduction to his system and told us how he got the bargain-of-the-century when he acquired the big Martin Logan’s – some people are just born lucky.
Once a few people braved the temperatures out on the deck then everyone got a good chance to listen to this special system during the afternoon.