2018 August 25th - Dave & Marge C.
There were predictions of rain. Lots of rain.
But from where we sat in the mild overcast sunlight, we were able to enjoy the view of the rain off in the distance.
We welcomed several new members to the club and kept them entertained with our (Ab) - normal reveries.
I forgot to count but at a guesstimate there were about 25 in attendance.
Thank you to our hosts Dave & Marge for putting on a superb BBQ lunch and Peter who again donned the chefs hat.
Everyone involved did an awesome job and the food was enjoyed by all.
Just some of the treats offered were;
Sausages, two types of rissoles, onions, coleslaw, alfalfa, and garden salads.
After our feast we all retired to Dave's cavernous Man cave where he gave a little system intro before playing various genres of music.
There's so many things going on in there I'm sure I missed some.
But hopefully the pics I took give you an idea of what's there.
After a while some slowly drifted back outside to demolish the deserts.
Wow. cakes, chips, dips, cheeses, nuts, nibbles, tea, coffee, wine, cakes.
Yes I said cakes twice as there were several cakes.
There was also a scrumptious looking caramel glazed cheese cake that our Grand PooBah approved of.
Others obviously agreed with him as the cakes did not last long. 😊
Over the afternoon while some grazed, some listened, and some chatted.
Some like me sat and enjoyed the view with a piece (or two) off cake.
To Dave, Marge, and everyone else, I say thank you for a fantastic day.
Linn LP12 Transcription
Linn Ittok 2 Tone arm
Benz Micro Glider Low Output moving coil cartridge
Dennon Av-230 passive step up transformer
Technics SL1300MK2
Technics 2050 moving magnet cartridge
Yaqin 23B valve step up - ADDS R.I.A.A. curve
CD Player Denon-DCD-1520
Pre Amp 1 Trevor Lees Valve - positive vibrations
Pre Amp 2 Pioneer Spec 1
Amp 1 - Pair Mono bloc Audio Lab Quad EL34 (Modified by Chris Powers) 90 Watts
Amp 2 - NIVS VA3 Valve 6L6s in Push Pull 22 Watts
Speakers 1 - Wharfdale E90s
Speakers 2 - QWs Transmission line
Interconnects: Various Monster
Speaker Cable: Supra 8 & 4
Power Cables: Denalis 6.0 ; 4.0 ; 2.5s
Everyone Welcome to bring along CDs and Vinyl
Also a display of Edison Cylinder Records and first versions of Edison 78s and other types of 78s and various things to play them on.