2018 March 17th - Ingo B.
Lets start with the weather.
Fine, Sunny, Zero clouds, Low 30's but with a very pleasant and welcome breeze.
At a guess something like 20 or so people attented making for a fantastic day.
Some sat inside and flicked through just about every genre of music.
Others sat outside chatting away about, well, Life, The Universe, And Everything.
Yet again they put on a superb Indonesian feast.
Rice, beef curry, some sort of alfalfa dish, something with super fine noodles, and a chicken dish with broth.
I'm not a chef (PFFT far from it) so don't blame me for not knowing the correct names of the dishes.
All I know is it was all exceptionally yummy :)
I think more than one person was excited to see not just cheese cake (with blueberry topping) but also pavlova.
Not to mention jam rolls and the various chips n dips etc.
I think Ingo must be really happy with his Hi-Fi as he hasn't seen fit to make any changes over his last gtg.
Once again his BIG Telly almost dominated the room, but we're here for the music and it didn't disappoint.
Equipment list;
1. Audio Technica turntable AT-LP120, Shure M97xE
2. Yamaha Amplifier Rx-V2065
3. Kenwood DP-M991 CD player
4. Professional build computer system to suit audio system
5. Samsung Blue Ray Player including 3D function for movies
6. Integrated iPod classic
7. Klipsch Reference Speakers RF-82 II / 5.1 Surround sound & Jensen Presence Speakers