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In Loving Memory.


It is with great sadness that we inform you that long time member Brian Moore has passed away.


Phil Ward has summed this up far better than I could ever do.


Many of you will know Brian Moore, one of our long term members, in fact he was in one of the Brisbane groups that combined to form the Queensland Audio Club in the early 2000's.


Sadly Brian passed away last Wednesday (1st July 2020) from a rare lung disease that had been impacting his health over the last few years.


Brian acted as treasurer for the club in recent years and he and his wife Julie hosted quite a QAC events.


He was the complete D.I.Y. guy with homemade speakers, amplifiers, electronic crossovers and even his Goldmund linear tracking turntable may not have been recognised by the manufacturer.

When he got into digital his modified DACs looked like an explosion in an electronics parts shop.


It was always Brian's enthusiastic voice you could hear when you were focusing on a quiet passage at a meet.

He didn't possess a level meter!

On the other hand his technical knowledge of electronics and his willingness to help got a lot us out of trouble.

He was a highly skilled electrical engineer who was willing to try all the "dark side" tweaks with an open mind.


Brian and Julie were inveterate hikers and cyclists who had completed many of the great treks of the world, much fitter than most of us and it is very sad to lose him at what we all would now consider the young age of 72.


Hopefully he is now improving the power supply quality in a better place.





Queensland Audio Club © 2025

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