2020 October - Wayne C.
The following words are from our valiant leader Andrew.
I met Simon and Dave and Dave's place at Redbank Plains.
Dave had offered a cheesecake in exchange for me doing a carpool.
How could I resist!
It was a a small get together (SGT) as Wayne has moved into a unit and has very limited space.
Simon, Gordon, Dave, Mick, Wayne and I had an enjoyable afternoons listening session.
Wayne blew out a few cobwebs from his system (featuring Simon's speakers from a previous workshop) without upsetting the neighbours.
Wayne went to great lengths to explain how he had digitised his vinyl collection.
I couldn't talk him him into running a information day on this for interested club members.
The Magpies and the Butcher Birds were happy to share some roast chicken with me on the balcony.
I fell asleep (again, much to Simon's amusement) in an armchair whilst relaxing, listening to the music with a full stomach of cheesecake, chicken and fried rice!
Equipment list:
Yamaha M50 Power amp
Emotive UMC 1 preamp/DAC
Simon’s weekender speaker build with Stones Sound Studio sub-woofer.
Asset server with Chromecast Audio as transport.