2021 - Saturday 18 December - Chris P.
A partially overcast day that still managed to be warmer than I'd like.
Never mind. The cheese cake more than compensated for that :)
A truly small gtg this month with only 5 attending.
Which worked out perfectly.
We sat, we listened, we nibbled, we drank, we chatted.
Rather a civilised way to spend a few hours.
Not a lot of pics today. Honestly didn't need to take many.
An unobtrusive system that belies it's technical points.
A heart felt thanks to Mr n Mrs P for allowing us into their home.
Without further ado, have some pics :)
Pioneer PL 1000 turntable.
Yaquin tube amplifiers.
Onkyo CD player.
Self-designed speakers.
Nigel's personal note.
The system is a three way active.
The speakers, cabinet and diffuses are hand made by Chris.
He has also modified the preamp to include the three way active crossover internally.