2022 - August - Peter + Tracey A.
Xmas in July (August really :D )
Ahhhhhhhhhh what can I say about this GTG.
Peter and Tracey always make this a special social event.
This year was no different.
Fooooood glorious fooood.
I didn't even get pics of all the deserts. So many delicious deserts. Drooool.
It really is the best feed I have each year.
Even though the day was overcast with brief little showers, we all had an awesome day.
A quick survey suggests there was around 30 people.
It was great to see several new members and various wives girlfriends and children joining in as well.
We wondered around and chatted, as we do.
Had the above mentioned scrumptious food.
Most went of to continue chatting or partaking of Peter and Tracie's Hi-Fi.
After a bit the deserts were unveiled as a second course.
Despite the amount of food that was presented, it all vanished with ease :)
As various people departed for home,
We stragglers sat outside chatting away and were joined by the local wildlife also wanting a bit of food :)
In closing, I say a personal huge thanks to Tracy and Peter.
So go and cast your eyes over the pics below.
Integrated Amp: A Primaluna Two Integrated Amp with NOS GEC KT-88, Philips E80CC and Genalex ECC83 Tubes.
Belt Drive CD Transport: CEC TL51X.
DAC: Doge 7 Tube Dac with four Mullard CV4024 tubes and two Amperex Holland E180CC tubes.
Laptop: Lenovo Thinkpad X201
Phono Pre-amp: Phonodude MM Phonostage with Genalex ECC83 and WE420A Tubes.
Turntable: Aura Turntable with Hadcock GH 242 Arm and Music Maker 3 MM Cartridge.
Speakers: Image Revelation Speakers with Isoacoustics GAIA 2 Isolation Feet.
Interconnects: Mad Scientist Audio Flexible Carbon/Graphene PLUS Digital Interconnects.
Interconnects: Doge USB Cable.
Interconnects: DAC to Amp Interconnect Cable is
Duelund Coherent Audio DCA20GA (Tin Plated Copper Cable) with KLEI RCA Connectors.
Interconnects: Phono Pre-amp Interconnect Cable is
Duelund Coherent Audio DCA20GA with Cardas Connectors.
Speaker Cable: is Duelund Coherent Audio DCA16GA (Tin Plated Copper Cable) for the Woofers and DCA20GA (Tin Plated Copper Cable) for the Mid and Tweeter.
Amplifier Power Cord: is Duelund Coherent Audio Furutech AC Connectors with Duelund Coherent Audio DCA12GA-600V (Tin Plated Copper Cable) with the Mad Scientist Audio Simple Power Purifier and Copper Washers.