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2023 - July - Peter and Tracey.


Lovely day for an outing.

Made perfect with a visit to T&P's for some Yummy home cooked food.


Business first.
The QAC Annual General
Meeting was held today.

As happens each year, we see if anyone has anything they wish to discuss. 

Nobody did.


As happens each year, we see if anyone wants to replace any of the three committee members.

The Treasurer Al wished to step down and retire.

Clint was nominated and unanimously elected as the new treasurer.

Thanks Clint.


Seems nobody has any desire for Andrew (Secretary) or myself, Nigel (Web bitch) to step aside anytime soon.


We all owe Al a huge thanks for looking after the clubs finances for the many years he has done so.

Thanks Al. :)
Al and Marg can now truly enjoy their retirement in peace :)


As for Andrew and myself, It looks like business as usual.

I will add my own personal note here though.

Andrew and I do have our own personal lives that are (like all of you I suspect) getting far busier and more complex with every passing day.

So if anyone wishes to help us out, please let us know :)


Now for the fun part.

As always, P&T put on an oh so yummy Mexican feast for the 20 or so members and partners that attended.

Forgive me for my lack of knowing just what was served as I'm not up on Mexican foods.

But there was corn crackers to put the mince thingy stuff on, also grated cheeses, some salady stuff and what I'm guessing was guacamole and maybe cream cheese or something ? :D

Hey I did say I don't know the Mexican food groups....

But it was the endless supply of cakes and deserts that kept Andrew Very happy :D

Andrew was in absolute heaven. So many cheese cakes AND a pavlova....


At any rate, we enjoyed having a feed and brilliant chat sessions.


Oh yes and there was also P&T's Hi-Fi to enjoy :p


Equipment List:

Integrated Amp: A Primaluna Two Integrated Amp with NOS GEC KT-88, Philips E80CC and WE 5755 (420A) Tubes.
Belt Drive CD Transport: CEC TL51X.
DAC:  Doge 7 Tube Dac with six Amperex Holland E180CC tubes.
Laptop:  Lenovo Thinkpad X201
Phono Pre-amp:  Phonodude MM Phonostage with Genalex ECC83 and WE420A Tubes.
Turntable: Aura Turntable with Hadcock GH 242 Arm and Music Maker 3 MM Cartridge.
Speakers: Image Revelation Speakers with Isoacoustics GAIA 2 Isolation Feet.
Interconnects:  Mad Scientist Audio Flexible Carbon/Graphene PLUS Digital Interconnects.
Interconnects:  Mad Scientist USB Cable.
B DAC to Amp Interconnect Cable is Duelund Coherent Audio DCA20GA (Tin Plated Copper Cable) with KLEI RCA Connectors.
Interconnects: Phono Pre-amp Interconnect Cable is Duelund Coherent Audio DCA20GA with Cardas Connectors.
Speaker Cable: is Duelund Coherent Audio DCA16GA (Tin Plated Copper Cable) for the Woofers and DCA20GA (Tin Plated Copper Cable) for the Mid and Tweeter.
Amplifier Power Cord: is Duelund Coherent Audio Furutech AC Connectors with Duelund Coherent Audio DCA12GA-600V (Tin Plated Copper Cable) with the Mad Scientist Audio Simple Power Purifier and Copper Washers.

Queensland Audio Club © 2025

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