2024 - August - Matthew G.
Would've been nice to escape work, but at least I got some very overdue things done.
But it's never ending lately. Never. Ever. Ending. Ever.
Who knew, turns out I can lay bricks reasonably well. (Must resist obvious comments here)
Many thanks to Matthew for hosting this months GTG.
Apparently the food was delicious.
Power Amplifiers: Doshi Stereo Amplifier / First Watt F8
​Pre-Amplifier: Doshi
​CD Transport: Chord Blu
DAC: Chord Dave
Phono Pre-amp: Doshi
Turntable: Techdas Airforce 2, Thales Statement, Lyra Etna, Marantz TT1000, Thales Simplicity, My Sonic Labs Ultra Eminent Be
​Streamer: Ediscreation Bach
​Data buffer: Ediscreation Fiber box
​Interconnects: Argento Flow
Speakers: Von Langa Son
​Speaker Cable: Argento Flow
​Reel to Reel Deck: Ampex 102 / Bottlehead Tube Repro, Studer B67
​Many thanks to Peter for supplying the pics.